Dreaming Care into Being: Collective Meaning Making, Part II

Care Manual: Dreaming Care into Being is part pedagogical text and part archive of lived experience. Designed around a curated glossary, the publication pioneers a very clear theme: that we have the power to author our own ways of being. To bring the manual to life, we will be compiling a glossary specific to the experiences of those participating in the Dreaming Care into Being experiential learning series on-site.

Glossary cards made by the participants of Dreaming Care into Being: Collective Meaning Making, Session 2, April 21, 2022, Dia Chelsea, New York.

Reflections on Workshop 2: #makelovegoviral with Naj Austin: 

I talked about virality as phenomenological spread. Why #makelovegoviral? Love responded through cosmic events that it did not desire to go viral when I went to reach for my phone to read a land acknowledgement and my phone was not there. As most resilient people do, I improvised and adapted, pulling language from my brain and adjusting pieces of the workshop where a phone was needed. What I felt was more compelling, though, was the consensus that love is responsible and bounded, embodying expansiveness in an omnipresent care exchange—each of us used different words to say this, though saying it nonetheless.  

Love does not want to go viral because virality is a colonial construct. Love wants to see and be seen, nurture, and experience reciprocal accountability. The nature of virality lacks these values so while the sentiment #makelovegoviral is of our times, it is not the transportation by which to disseminate love.  

An experiential learning workshop series centering care makes it so that care is considered even in instances beyond the workshop container. This is how we create change on systemic and personal levels. Everyone has to do the work.

—Kamra Sadia Hakim

About Dreaming Care into Being

Facilitated by artist and Activation Residency founder Kamra Sadia Hakim, Dreaming Care into Being is an experiential learning series celebrating the release of Hakim’s book Care Manual: Dreaming Care into Being. The series comprises five workshops developed in collaboration with a series of guest artists, each exploring themes from the publication. This program is inspired by the framework of transformative justice: praxis ought to align with values, and what you believe is how you show up in the world. Dreaming Care into Being is designed to take participants on a somatic journey through the literary work.

The series is free and open to the public. Space is limited and reservations are required. Register for individual or multiple sessions here.


Dreaming Care into Being: Collective Meaning Making, Part III


Dreaming Care into Being: Collective Meaning Making, Part I